Thoughts on the RISJ fellowship


After six intense months in Oxford, my fellowship at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism is over. I’m trying to fill the feedback form, but something disturbs me. I understand the need for the Foundation to hear each fellow’s thoughts on this experience, but I could I do justice to what I lived simply answering some bureaucratic questions?

Something is missing. When speaking of this fellowship, perhaps of any fellowship, people are what really matters. How could I unfold a true account of my Oxonian life, without quoting, for instance, Sahar’s radiance, or Gibran’s smile? Or should I mention Anuradha’s inner strength and perseverance? Or maybe the wisdom and goodness of the Finns- Saila, Anu, Anne (with honorary fellow Pete not last of the list)? Where’s the space, in this form, for the noble and gentle Koreans Seong Il and Ji or the jolly Polish whisky buddy Vadim? Shall we overlook the Chinese, Wenming and Bei? Or Laura and Thiri, for that matter? It’s not possible. For all of them I could tell a story, and maybe one day I will. And the others, those that came later, Esfan, Aynur, Kelly, Ashu, we had less time to know each other, but I carry them with me.

And I met other great people too, among the staff, the researcher, the supervisors, which I won’t mention, not to make this post just an endless list, but they know who they are.

So thank you, guys. Maybe we’ll meet again, or maybe not, but one thing is sure: I won’t forget you.



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