Social media and churces: please, believers, download the sermons

The Pope Tweets
The Pope Tweets (Photo credit: Mike Licht,

From websites to blogs, podcasts and Twitter, church leaders are embracing social media as a way to spread the word of God, to share information and to woo new members. When Pope Francis was elected March 13, the news reached the faithful instantly, in much the same manner as the latest celebrity shenanigans or the in-law’s trip to Mazatlan — via Facebook, Tumblr and other social networking and information sites.

The Rev. Mead at the Eastside Church of Christ, has two Facebook profiles — one public and one personal — both of which link to the church’s main Facebook page, which in turn links to a page devoted to the women’s ministry. His religious blog is accessed an average of 300 times a day by users worldwide, and Eastside’s sermons and Bible lessons are recorded and made available, for free, through iTunes.

via Social media becoming integral part of churches | word, delivers, rev – Colorado Springs Gazette, CO.


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